Wednesday, January 18, 2012


            Knit up a ruffle scarf


An amazing new yarn is available that creates ruffles with a minimum of effort. If you know the basics of how to knit, this scarf can be stitched up in less than 2 hours. The self-ruffling yarn, found at specialty knitting supply stores, is a type of netting that is pulled apart during the knitting process. Watch the video to see exactly how it is done. An added benefit is that the ruffled knitting cast-on is super easy.

1 skein self-ruffling yarn
Two size 10 knitting needles

Pull apart a strand of yarn with your fingers and insert the knitting needles into the top edge of the yarn strand to create 8 stitches.

Knit every row, pulling the yarn strand apart and inserting the needles in the top edge of the netting. The process is not precise, but each stitch will be about one inch from the previous stitch.

Cast off. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Mosaics are less difficult than you might think. The flower pot is a memento of a family vacation at Cannon Beach in Oregon. The birdbath is a great addition to my patio. 

Make a mosaic birdbath or flowerpot

16-inch diameter clay pot saucer
Shells or broken dishes 
Cardboard pizza box
White glue
Tile grout
Craft stick
Sea sponge

Place shells or dishes in the pizza box and close the lid. Hammer the shells or dishes to break them into medium sized pieces.

Attach the hand painted tile pieces to inside of the clay saucer or the outside of the flowerpot with white glue in a random pattern. Let the glue dry for 24 hours.

Mix the ceramic grout according to the manufacturer’s directions and cover the dish or shell pieces and the space between them on the inside of the saucer or the outside of the flowerpot.

Remove all excess grout with the damp sea sponge. Let the grout dry for 24 hours.

Make a stone column for the birdbath

Concrete blocks
Quick set cement
Rubber bucket
Rubber gloves
Pea pebbles

Arrange the concrete blocks into a formation in the site desired for the stone column.

Mix the cement with water in the rubber bucket until the cement is the consistency of oatmeal.

Put on the rubber gloves and add mud-pie sized globs of cement to the sides of the column. Push the flat sides of the pea pebbles into the wet cement in a decorative pattern. Repeat on all sides of the decorative column.


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